Saturday, January 1, 2011

December Daily 26-31 The End

Well my first December Daily album is almost complete.  I finished the cover yesterday,  printed all the layouts and have begun to put them in the book.  While not as fabulous as the creators, I'm pleased.  I'm just happy to have completed something.  Finally!!  LOL

I can't wait to tell you about my next photo project, Project Life.


  1. I have serious picture arrangement envy! I have such little clue on digital scrapbooking or scrapbooking for any matter! Great job! Beautiful little ones too! Kerri

  2. I have loved seeing all the pages all month! Great job!

  3. What a great work of art! Looks like a labor of love. Maybe someday I'll get up to snuff on the digi stuff, but admire others work for now.


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