Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is 34 months old
Tot School

Once again, planned Tot School was non-existent.  Anything that we've done has been on the fly and totally by chance.  This season is just too busy.  I even gave up on fourth grade a week early. LOL  I haven't even got out our Christmas sensory bin yet.  Gasp!

Last weekend we went to visit my father in NC.  It was rainy and cold so we didn't do much besides hang out.  Although Grandpa did drag us out in the rain to see what was going on in his small town.

One of Kayleigh's favorite Christmas activities is riding her "Cwismis stick."

We continued with our Advent traditions.

Made cookies and candy

Played in some unexpected snow.

She played with her Christmas Story Blocks  and our Fisher-Price Little People Nativity.  I like how she had the dinosaurs worshipping Jesus.  lol  She was very proud of that.

We also read a lot of Christmas books and watched some seasonal movies.  No pictures of that though.

Be sure to check out what the other tots have been up to by clicking the Tot School button at the top of the page.


  1. Your pics are always so great, but oh my, that last pic....pure joy on her face! Love that the dinos were worshipping Jesus! LOL

  2. I think your father lives pretty close to us. The boat has our city on it.
    Which digital scrapbook program are you using. Your pages are wonderful!

  3. I love the "Cwismis stick", that's so funny! Looks like you guys are having lots of fun, you took some great pictures!

  4. I have to sayI am glad that I am not the only one slacking with tot school. We haven't done anything planned in a few weeks b/c we have been so busy!

    We also have the little people nativity and she loves it! love the cwismis stick ;)

    I have a question, I know you have a separate school room and I was wondering if you all spend most of your time in there. I have my tot school stuff in another room, but esp. with my little one we spend most of the day in our playroom b/c my school room is pretty small. I think I would do more tot school stuff if it were with us in the playroom, but am trying to figure out from other homeschool moms before I mess with moving stuff.

    Hope you have a Merry Christmas!!

  5. That little people nativity set looks awesome! We might have to invest in one...

  6. aw that Fisher Price nativity set looks great! Not seen them in England! Cookie look yummy! We have snow too brrrrrr!

  7. Love the picture of her catching snowflakes on her tongue!! We also LOVE our Little People Natviity!

  8. Great week. Love the Christmas building blocks. Thanks for including the link. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Kerri

  9. I love the picture of both the girls in the snow. I wish my kids could experience that but not much snow in the desert.

    I think you did a great job of Tot school- looks like plenty of play and fun going on!

  10. Looks like a fun week! What do you guys do for your advent traditions? We do one that looks similar with an advent wreath and nativity scene. Love the Cwismis stick! Too cute!


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