Thursday, December 16, 2010

Embrace the Camera

So my friend ordered me encouraged me to try out this link-up she ran across.  It's called Embrace the Camera.  The short of it is that moms take tons of pictures of everyone else but are rarely in front of the camera.  Another blogger mom noticed that she didn't have a lot of pictures of her with her mom and didn't want that to be the case with her and her children.  So she started a link-up to encourage other moms to take a picture of themselves involved in their kids lives once a week.  And then you link up.

It's a great idea in theory.  Who doesn't want their kids to have pictures of them to remember the good times by?  Of course that involves taking pictures of yourself that others can see.  I've packed on some extra pounds lately, so that doesn't thrill me.  LOL  So this project will serve 2 purposes for me: To include myself in our family memories and to get on the elliptical machine when I don't feel like it.   Bonus!

Since I happen to have some recent pictures of me and my kidlets, I figured I might as well start today.  So here are a few shots from our recent trip to NYC.  I want to live near Central Park now.  I need more money.  =o)

Times Square Toys R Us

Liberty Island

Rockefeller Square
Click the button at the top of the page to see other mommies and their kidlets.


  1. So exciting you got to take your kids to NYC! I love it there...has a very special place in my heart bc that's where my hubby popped the question.

  2. What a great idea for a link up! I am never in pictures too- mostly b/c I am always the one taking the pictures but when my husband wants me to be in a picture I always have an excuse not to be- hair isn't looking right, looking fat, no make-up, etc. I need to just get over it and be in the pictures! :) Thanks for posting so now I can be more willing to be in photos too!

  3. Great shots! Looks like a lot of fun!

  4. I'm so envious that you were in NYC at Christmas time - my favorite!!

  5. jealous that you were in NYC great pictures glad you linked up

  6. Im glad you posted a comment on my blog for if you didnt I would know nothing about digital scrapbooking. Could you please tell me what link you go through. I love it!!

  7. Those are great pictures! And what a great idea! I might have to do this 'challenge' as well! Ha!

  8. Thanks bunches for taking the time to respond. I know how valubale us homeschooling moms time is. I can't wait to start figuring out how to online scrapbook, as if I needed another something to do. O well, thanks again and I justed wanted to say that I love to see when moms arent afrais to the books away for some real life learning. I think it is better for them

  9. I am always taking the photos, so I am never in them! What a great idea!


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