Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Daily

This month I'm tackling a little project called December Daily.  In short it's a mini-scrapbook album that documents the 25 days leading up to Christmas.  (Or longer if you choose.)

A friend of mine has done it for the last couple of years and I've always admired that keepsake.  So I'm giving it a whirl.  The creator, Ali Edwards, does these elaborate books that are a paper/digital hybrid with all sorts of cute extras.  I cannot do any of that.  I'm not creative and it's too much work.  I don't like too much work.  =o)  So I'm doing a very simplified version so that I'll actually keep up with it.  I'll be going almost all digital and my pages will be very, very, very simple.

Since it's December 1st, I've completed my first page.  Here it is.

Tomorrow we hit the road for NYC for a long week-end.  I'm bringing my laptop so I can amuse myself while the kidlets sleep.  It shouldn't be a problem for me to keep up since I'm going digital.  I can just print them all out when I get home.

Next time you hear from me, I'll be in the Big Apple!  Woot!

1 comment:

We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.