Saturday, November 6, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One With Barely Any Photos

This week we finished the bulk of our Civil War study and are learning about "Go-Getters."  Industrious, creative people who did out-of-the ordinary things that revolutionized our country.  I think my favorite was Montgomery Ward and his mail-order business.  I remember looking through that huge catalog as a child and it was neat to learn how it all started.  (Did I just date myself? LOL)  Plus, I love internet shopping so I have much to thank Ward for.

Our new read aloud is Caddie Woodlawn, it's a light-hearted book about an adventurous girl that takes place at the end of the Civil War.  A nice, easy read after the emotional Across Five Aprils.  Of course, she just started Old Yeller  as her reader so that will kick the emotions into overdrive.  LOL

We finished the last pocket, Women in the Civil War, in our Civil War History Pockets.  One of her projects was to design a nine-patch quilt square, as women were often making quilts for the soldiers.

We are learning about nests in science.  We had to postpone our experiment for this lesson until spring, as now is not the optimum time to see what nesting materials birds prefer. LOL  We decided to wait until they we ready to make their nests.  But it was interesting to learn about the different types of nests and even more interesting to learn about the birds who didn't make nests at all.  In particular, we enjoyed the brood parasites, like cowbirds.  They just deposit their eggs in another birds nest and take off, often stealing one of the occupants own eggs to make room.  We thought that was funny, although mean. LOL

In math she learned about averages.  She'll have her test on Monday but I'm sure she'll do well.

Our soccer season has ended with Mackenzie's team stats being 7:1.  A HUGE improvement over last year when they were 1:7.

And here's a picture of my little trick-or-treaters: An 80's girl and a french poodle.

And that is our LATE Wrap-Up.  Check out the Wrap-Up over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Great week! Too bad you don't live closer, I have 3 birds nests set up for science. One is made of horse hair, one is made of old cornstalks and one is mostly straw...and the straw one has 4 abandoned eggs in it. Amazing the kinds of gifts people give you when they know you homeschool!

  2. Oh my word, I barely got through the chapter we just read in Across Five Aprils without bawling my head off. And it wasn't THAT emotional of a chapter!! Some of the things just struck me. I didn't like the book at first, but I love it now.

  3. Nice quilt block!! I love the 80s girl look, she - like totally - pulled it off. ;-)


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