Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tot School~Lite

Kayleigh is 32 months

Tot School

It was a very easy week here at our Tot School.  Between doctors appointments, errands, and our weekly outing with friends not one Tot School activity done.  It was all we could do to get fourth grade work completed.  Instead Kayleigh just played. 

Wait!  I was mistaken.  She did pull one Tot School activity off the shelf.  Spooning our "fall treasures." However, she never did spoon them.  She stirred them up and called it "soup."  LOL

And she asked for "candy corn math."  We all know her motivation for that request, don't we? LOL 

Here are the other ways that she passed her time...

Finished up her Soccer Tot season....

Rode the "big girl" swing for the first time...

"Painted" our fence...

And rode her bike...she's finally getting the hang of pedaling.  And that's no easy task with the cheap plastic wheels they put on bikes these days.  Shame on you Radio Flyer!  She might be getting a new one soon with "real tires."

And that was our week.  We'll do all the fun stuff I had planned for this week next week.  Be sure to see what the other tots are up to by clicking the Tot School Button at the top of the page!


  1. Still looks like a great week to me. We tackled the big girl swing this weekend too. Have a great week! Kerri

  2. Looks like a good week to me. We'll just say you guys focused primarily on gross motor skills :)
    Way to go on riding the bike, we're still working on that.

  3. She looks so cute on her bike. We don't have one for our DD yet, but soon ;) Moo-Bear hates spooning or using tongs. She either just plays with the stuff or uses her fingers!

  4. Tot School activities or not, it looks like you had a great week!

  5. My son still struggles with pushing the pedals on his tricycle. I'm hoping he figures it out before he out grows the bike.

  6. I love LIFE fun. She looks so proud of herself with her soccer medal. Very cute! I like the "painting" the fence too, what a cool idea. Have fun this week!

  7. She is so beautiful. And what a joy to see her. I remember when you were longing for #2. ;-) God provides.


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