Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is 31 months

Tot School

Click the Tot School button to see more fun tot activities!

We had such a great week this week. Kayleigh was 75% cooperative and she even got to go back to Jamestown with us. (We went last week without her but decided to go back and explore on our own sans tour guide. It’s nice that those home school tickets are good for two weeks. And that we live so close. )

Literacy Activities

Our letter this week was F. A lot of our activities focused on fish and feelings.

We did a 1:1 correspondence activity with letters. We got this from COAH’s Letter of the Week curriculum. I didn’t think she’d really like this, as she tends to feeling that matching anything is beneath her, but she did. It was a pleasant surprise.


DSC_0965redots She also did a great job sorting capital and lowercase Ff, also from COAH. I knew she COULD do it, but she usually refuses. Maybe it was because I called them “Mommy Fs and Baby fs.” LOL She likes family. LOL



On our one hour drive to Jamestown she watched Brainy Baby : ABC's : Introducing the Alphabet. Every time she watches it she runs around saying “Uble-u says wu, wu, wu.” It’s nice knowing we won’t really have to focus on that sound in the future. LOL

We read Ten Little Fishand made a cute fish snack. I stumbled upon that on Totally Tots on accident the day after we read the book. That worked out nice.

Kayleigh liked making it but the only thing she really ate was the cream cheese that stuck the “body” to the “tail.” You can see how she licked it off. LOL Who doesn’t like chocolate covered pretzels? Crazy!

One of her favorite activities of the week was her Feelings Tot Book from 1+1+1=1. She had so much fun with it.

First we read a couple of books about feelings, The Pigeon Has Feelings, Too! and Duck and Goose: How are You Feeling? .

She absolutely loved the mini-book. So much that I couldn’t glue it into the folder. I’m going to velcro it in so that she can remove it and read it. She loved acting out the feelings. Especially “angwee!”

The “How are you Feeling?” game was a lot of fun too. At first she was very sweet and did it correctly. I’d say “Oh the little girl has a tummy ache. How does she feel?” She’d say “Sooo sick.” And put on the “sick face.” Then she went back to normal. “The little boy got a new bike. How does he feel?” Kayleigh’s answer, “Gwumpy!” “Why Kayleigh?” “It falled.” Technically, under her scenario, she was correct. LOL

She also liked coloring the color cards and lining them up all over the room. She’s usually not one for coloring but she was happy to do it this week. And she used the correct colors. Bonus!

The only activities we didn’t get to were the concentration/matching and the “draw” your feelings. Next week, I hope.

I did add in one other activity. I was totally IN LOVE with the Roll-a-Graph activity from the 2 Teaching Mommies’ forest unit. It looked like such fun. I thought about just doing their forest one because forest does start with F but I wanted to stick with the feelings theme because Kayleigh was really into it. So I adapted it for our feelings “study.”

(Although I might do the entire forest unit next week because, like I said, it does start with F and we still have to do our F page in our ABC book. And it is the cutest unit. LOL)

She really had fun doing this, once she accepted that she couldn’t just place the stickers anywhere she wanted. LOL She also liked just rolling the feelings die and acting out the feelings.

Click the picture below to download it.


She also played with her Melissa & Doug Alphabet Puzzle Book several times this week. She's never had that much interest in it before so that was nice.


Numbers, Shapes, and other “Mathy Stuff”

We did some big/little sorting with zip ties. I got the idea from Chasing Marcus who did TONS of fun things with zip ties. I plan on borrowing more of those ideas in the future. Lots of fun for only a dollar. She did this every day. Naturally she divided them into “mommies and tute babies.” LOL



She played with her MATCHIN' MIDDLESshape matching game. It’s good for matching and snacking.

Since my Feed the Elephant Game was such a hit with her, I made a new one for F. This week we Fed the Frog. Flies. Kayleigh thought it was Fantastic! She even did all the numbers, 1-10, without losing interest.

Click on the frog below to download it for your tot.


Fine Motor and Learning Toys

I saw this adorable leaf stringing activity over at My Montessori Journey. And I had everything I need to make it already. It’s very similar to the button snake but it has an autumn twist.

She really liked it. I was a tad worried that it might frustrate her because the button and the slit were smaller than the button snake, not to mention the leaf is flimsier than felt, but she did great. It took her a while to get the hang of it but she kept trying.

She’s been very into her Melissa & Doug Lacing Beads lately. Although never for more than 4 beads. It’s apparently an unwritten rule.

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As always, instruments are a favorite activity. Please notice that she made a “T” with the rhythm sticks in the first picture. She called it a “T” too. That was impressive because we’ve haven’t done T yet and I don’t really expect her to start recognizing letters for about another year. So that and her “W says wu” were nice bonuses this week. LOL (I hope next week doesn’t feel disappointing after all these bonuses. LOL)

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And here’s a little peek of her at Jamestown. She had a great time despite the fact that she declared that the Powhatan dwellings were “spooky” and smelled “ewwww…discussin’!” The nice thing about Kayleigh is that you always know where you stand with her.


  1. Wow! What a fun-filled week! Thank you for all of the great ideas.

  2. That frog page is so cute! I always love looking at your weeks. I noticed that your when you started the blog here Kayleigh was just a few months older than my tot now, so I'm now following along, a year behind, for ideas I can use right now ;)

  3. Great resources! I'll have to print out the "feed the frog game"!

  4. What a great week! I love the feeling graphing, we did a graphing activity this week and Emily loved it. I will have to try this one with her too :0) Thanks for the idea, we have tons of those dot stickers!!

  5. Wow, SO many great ideas! I love the 'feed the frog' game - so cute! :) Thanks for the helpful comment on my blog, too! :)

  6. I LOVE the "Feed the Frog" game! Thanks so much for sharing.

  7. We call letter "big" and "little" as well. Uppercase and lowercase just doesn't seem to click right now!

  8. Wow. What a fun and full week! Thanks for the Feeding the frog game download. I'll be using it when we do F is for Frog!

  9. I love the activities. Thanks for the feed the frog game I think that Noarai would love it. But i have a problem with roll a feeling game I can't donwload it. Could you help me? Thanks for sharing.

  10. Don't you just love how toddlers talk? Cracks me up!
    you guys got in so much fun stuff this week!!

    Yes, I am liking Live Writer! It is so much easier and I love being able to put more pictures, but not have such a long post. The only thing I don't like is that there are only like 5 ways to arrange the pics ;)


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.