Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is 31 months old

Tot School

Live, Laugh, Love

It was a crazy busy week this week. We actually only did one day of official Tot School this week. Kayleigh started back up at the Little Gym, Mackenzie started piano, we went on a field trip to the aquarium, the weather was gorgeous Friday so we spent the day at the park, and lastly soccer started again. Shew!!

Our letter this week was E so we did things involving elephants and eggs. And since we only got in one day this week, we’ll be doing E again next week. LOL

Our first tray was a “Feed the Elephant” counting game that I made. I taped the elephant to an empty cracker box and cut a slit near his mouth. Then we drew a number and fed the elephant that correct number of peanuts. She loved the “feeding” but didn’t really care about the counting. Typical. You can download the game Here.

We did a small spaces activity using some fake autumn flowers. She usually loves small spaces activities but she was to distracted by the flowers to want to stick them in the container very much. She just wanted to carry them around. LOL

She practiced her fine motor skills by using her tongs to move pom poms into an ice cube tray. I probably should have switched our summer tray for our autumn one. LOL

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We have a new sensory bin for the month of September. It has fake autumn leaves, little gourds and pumpkins, some more of our fake autumn flowers, and 2 autumn dishes. Both girls loved this! Then decided to play store with it so I gave them our Bucket Balance, a foam block for flower arranging, and some empty brown craft bags for packing up “purchases.” Kayleigh LOVED playing with the balance.

In honor of E, we played with our Hide'N Squeak Eggs. She matched all the shapes to their proper holes without me having to beg her. =o) So I decided to point that each chick had different eyes and that they matched the eyes on the shells. This intrigued her. She had fun making sure that all the chicks got “the wight eyes!”

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And that was it for Tot School Activities. If you’d like to see her trip to the aquarium, click HERE. She particularly enjoyed the stingray touch tank. In her own fashion, of course. LOL

And she had her first day of Soccer Tots. That went exactly as expected. She did her one obligatory kick and then cried the rest of the time. Until snack was brought out. Then she was all smiles and quite the joiner. LOL

Check out what the other tot's are up to by clicking the Tot School Button at the top of the page.


  1. Fun Elephant Game, gonna have to print that out!

    Love the soccer tot story...


  2. I like that elephant game too, I'll have to check it out!

  3. Those flowers look like so much fun! How fun to have started soccer too! :)

  4. The elephant game looks fun! I think my dd would have the same reaction - like to feed it but not count :)

  5. So, I know everyone else has already say it, but I have to say it too...Love the Feed the Elephant activity!

  6. Great elephant game. I also like the fall sensory bin idea!! Fun times :)

    On a different you make your photo "collages" in a different program before you put them on your blog? I get tired of uploading individual pics. and then it makes my post so long!!

  7. Thanks for the scissors reommendation, I'm going to try them out!

  8. Wow, I love that counting game! Totally going to swipe it for next weeks eclectic Tuesday. :-)

    I also wanted to let you know how much I love your blog so I chose you for a "lovely blog award". Just visit my blog to pick it up. :)

  9. that elephant game looks like a ton of fun. Thanks for sharing the link :)


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