Sunday, August 15, 2010

L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge: Black & White

I was perusing my blog reader and came across a few posts about this photo challenge. Intrigued, as I am about all things photography, I decided to check it out. It's a photo challenge hosted by Home is Where you Start. She gives a weekly assignment and has a twist. I liked the twist.

So I decided to enter.

This photo is of my daughter, Mackenzie. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love it because she's beautiful. I hate it because I took it on her ninth birthday and I'm against my babies growing up. LOL


  1. here hair is so pretty! :)
    its a great photo

    they do grow up to fast my oldest is turning 10 at the end of the month. :( and my youngest starts kindergarten in 2011.

  2. beautiful! I love her half smile, there! I agree, I am against my babies growing up, too. My baby is 8..sigh.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.