Monday, August 9, 2010

In my down time...

I did a couple of digital scrapbook pages of some of our recent "big" events.

Kayleigh moved out of her cage to a toddler bed. And it was a cage because she started jumping out of her crib, and landing on her head, at 15 months so I put one of those crib tents on it. She's been surprisingly good about staying in her bed all night and during her nap. Not once has she gotten out before I have arrived to greet her. That, my friends, is a miracle!

All the papers and elements are from the Bloom Kit created by Erica @ COAH. She's always creating something that make my life better. =o)

And this one is of Mackenzie's friend's first sleepover. We got the honor of hosting her. Ava was terribly excited and didn't miss her mom one bit. LOL Kind of like Mackenzie at camp last week. Came home saying she didn't miss me at all. Sigh...

I used this kit for these pages. It was FREE.


  1. Super cute! What photo editing program do you use? I would love to do stuff like that with my millions of digital photos.

  2. Great layouts! Do you print them out and put them in a book?

    I am a former scrapbooker who recently got into photo books and love the lack of mess and how I can't screw stuff up cutting the pictures! I love the idea of digital scrapbooking...just wondering how you print the you order it from the site? print it yourself? just leave it on disc?

  3. Love your scrapbook pages! I srapped my 3 year old's first year the old-fashioned way....and now...with less time and more technologically advanced :)....I am planning on digitally scrapbooking my second baby's first year. She already almost 7 months old! I really need to get started!

  4. Thanks for commenting on my blog today, I'm shocked by how many people have had the same experience!

    Also love what you've done with the Bloom kit, that's sooooo cool!

    I'm glad you dropped by so I could see your blog :) It's great!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.