Saturday, July 31, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

It was an uneventful week here with not much to report. We hung with some friends but no big outings. We did, however, test out some of our new art supplies from A.C. Moore.

Have you seen A.C. Moore's line of store brand art supplies? Specialty paper, paints, pastels, and other artsy goodies for about $5 an item. I'm trying to be more purposeful about our fine arts studies this year so I was excited.

At any rate, we wanted to test out some of the goodies so we chose this project from Art Projects for Kids. (BTW, check out her recent post about her favorite art supplies.)

This will be our last official "third grade" wrap-up. Next week Mackenzie heads off to Xtreme Kidz Kamp with our church and the following week we start Fourth Grade!!! Woot!
Be sure to see what everyone else has been up to this week at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Congratulations on 3rd Grade!

    Janet W

  2. Adorable caterpillar! I love how each piece has a different design!

    Thanks for the link to Art for Kids, too! :)

  3. LOVE her caterpillar :) i haven't seen ac moore art supplies we are discount school supply junkies :)


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