Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'm still obsessing over my latest obsession

I have been totally hooked on digital scrapbooking ever since Erica, from COAH, started posting templates and freebies.

I love that all I have to do is point and click to make a page. I love that it's a breeze to clean-up when I finish. I love that there are so many free digital scrabooking materials out there. I love that I can use them over and over and over. I love how easy embellishing a page is. I wouldn't sit down and sew yarn through my real scrapbook page (I'm lazy) but I sure will drag an image onto a digital page.

And I've been pricing printing options recently and it's pretty inexpensive. If you do a few at a time. LOL Still it's cheaper than buying tons of paper and pretties though. Especially if you're me. Who makes lots of mistakes that result in a lot of redos.

Here are a few that I've completed recently. Some are better than others, I'm very much a creatively-challenged person, but I've been having fun.

The zoo alphabet came from C.W. Picket & Company. I can't seem to find the site that I got the paper from.

Everything from this layout came from Scrapartist.

paper and embellishments from Shabby Princess

paper and elements from Delicious Scraps and Cajoline-Scrap. (The second site is in French, fyi.)

Did I mention that I love it?

1 comment:

  1. Love the ladybug pages, Stef! Glad you're having fun with it. I just can't get into the digital scrapping myself, though. I like the dimension and creativity involved in paper and embellies that I can touch and feel. I'm a bit paper obsessed, actually! LOL. You can get a bunch of FREE digital pages at www.storytellersclub.com. You can get a certain amount free every month.


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