Friday, April 9, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

It was a short week for us. Despite my intentions of not having a formal spring break, we had a few days off anyhow. My niece and nephew were on spring break and fighting like cats and dogs. So my niece came over here for a few days to have some fun with her cousins.


This week was mulitple digit multiplication. The mere sight of those problems freaked her out. But she picked it up pretty quick.

Language Arts

She did some diagramming of sentences with compound adverbs. That made her feel like a genius. LOL


We were still talking about flying machines. Of course we haven't finished the week but I'd imagine the end is the same as the beginning. LOL

Social Studies

We are on to the Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark. Loving it! We're reading The Lewis and Clark Expedition and it's really good. As if a Sonlight book wouldn't be. We've also added in a lapbook about the expedition. It was half off when I bought it so I was very happy. Mackenzie's loving it and it's complimenting our reading nicely.

Our read aloud and her reader are on more of a Native American theme. We're reading Paddle-to-Sea and Om-kas-toe. She must be loving Om-kas-toe because she keeps asking to read ahead. Paddle-to-Sea is an excellent book for slipping in some extra geography. We've been mapping Paddle's trip. Last we read, he was in Detroit. Woot! Go Wings!! (Can you tell I'm from the Detroit area? LOL)

Which reminds me, I always forget about our geography lessons. Along with Sonlight's mapping assignments, we're using The Complete Book of Maps & Geography. She really loves this book. And she's pretty much able to work through it on her own. It's giving her a lot of great exposure on the different kind of maps, how to read them, and the different geographical areas. She's learning about the Pacific states this week.

That's about all we've gotten in. Today's Friday and we have our Friday reading assignments to do but we haven't done the rest since Tuesday or Wednesday. We'll be playing a little catch-up before field hockey tomorrow, I think. We're definately going to finish the work from our core, although I may just reschedule math and LA. We have Busch Garden's plans for next Friday, can't get behind in the core. LOL

Here's some pictures of what she did while she wasn't doing school. LOL And one from Easter, since I haven't blogged about it yet.

Hope you all had a great week!! Be sure to check out what everyone else is up to over at Weird, Unsocialized, Homeschoolers.


  1. diagramming of sentences with compound adverbs IS genius! :) Glad you got some great spring break time with family too.

  2. I love Sonlight! Sounds like a productive week to me.

  3. I TOTALLY understand "not fighting" spring break! We live in a neighborhood full of kiddos, so we tend to "break" whenever the kiddos are out and about too!

  4. The Paddle-to-the-Sea activity sounds great!

  5. Please tell her she is a genius, I have no clue what a compound adverb is :)

    We use Sonlight too (the cores) and I have been consistently pleased with their literature! There have been very few books we haven't enjoyed.

  6. Even on break you are busy! Such is life, huh? Have a good weekend!

  7. Looks like a great week! I'd have to agree that she ought to feel like a genius if she's diagramming compound adverbs!

  8. Glad to hear you are enjoying the Holling C. Holling book ... I've been collecting them ... just haven't used them yet! ;)


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