Friday, March 26, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

It's Friday again and time for the Weekly Wrap-Up hosted by Kris.

Our week was good. Again! Woot!


Our stick-figuring lesson was about the Last Supper. I love how it's a timely lesson. =o)

We also read The Legend of the Easter Egg and did a lapbook along with it. It was pretty simple but Mackenzie enjoyed it. Especially the eggsperiments. =o) We have one to share with you. The other two will have to wait until next week because they are still "in progress." At the moment, while all the activities are finished, the lapbook isn't together. So that will have to wait til next week too.


We reviewed rounding to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000 to help with multiple digit addition. Mackenzie thought it was "fun and easy."

Language Arts

Mackenzie started memorizing A Slash of Blue by Emily Dickinson. It was a very short poem so she memorized it quickly. She has a great memory and always memorizes the poems well before the "alloted" time.

We also reviewed conjunctions and how to diagram sentences that have them.

I've just realized that I've never mentioned our weekly poetry studies. This year we're using A Children's Introduction to Poetry. We're really enjoying the book. It started off focusing on different kinds of poetry. It has an accompanying cd, so you'd listen to various selections of that poem type after reading. Now we've moved on to studying different poets. Same format, read about the poet's life and then listen selections of their poetry. It's been really fun. This week we studied Walt Whitman and I learned that the poem, Captain, My Captain, was about Abraham Lincoln. Oh the things I don't know. LOL

Social Studies

We're continuing on with Carry On Mr Bowditch and Eli Whitney. They're both still having the most horrendus luck. Nat's family and friends are still dying and Eli is still penniless despite his brilliant inventions. Those poor guys. They are teaching us a lot of history though. We're now approaching Lewis and Clark's expedition. And it was interesting to learn of Thomas Jefferson's small part in allowing Eli Whitney's revolutionizing the musket making business.

Mackenzie just stated reading Om-kas-toe, which is about the Blackfeet tribe. The Blackfeet tribe is our Native American focus this week. Did you know that they are always referred to as the Blackfeet tribe? Blackfoot is NEVER used. Sometimes that goes against my "proper use of grammar" instinct.


We are starting a study on outer space. This week we read the Magic Schoolbus Gets Lost in Space. Magic Schoolbus books are always good reads.

We were going to watch the corresponding video after finishing the book via Netflix streaming. Unfortunately that particular video is only available on dvd. And of course it wasn't available in time because all the copies are out. I'm finding that a lot of the videos I want for educational videos aren't available for instant download. It's annoying. LOL Especially when you can only get one dvd at a time. I did order another space one that we'll watch later today. Hopefully it will be good. I'll let you know if it is.

While not space-related, we did do a fun experiment. We made an electrical circuit for a light bulb using batteries, wire, a light bulb, and a bulb holder. We watched Justin do it first and then we took a stab at it.

First we tried it with one battery.

Then we did four.

The experiment inspired Mackenzie to play with her Snap Circuits for the rest of the afternoon.


  1. My son loves Snap Circuts too :)

  2. Sounds like a good week! I'll have to check out Snap Circuits, I've never heard of them.

  3. I haven't heard of snap circuits either. They look pretty neat. Probably can't get them on Maui anyway :) Interesting reading too- I didn't know that about the Black Feet tribe.

  4. Wow what a week! I love, LOVE the circuit experiment!


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