Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is 24 months
Tot School

It's time for the Tot School update, hosted by Carisa.

Our week was good. We didn't, as usual, get to everything that I had envisioned but we had fun none the less.

I finally went against my gut and brought out a sensory bin. LOL Ours is currently filled with rice and some pouring/measuring toys. I didn't have any special plans for it this week, I just let her explore. She loved it.

Naturally she made an obscene mess everytime she used it. LOL She just refused to keep the toys in the bucket. She'd place a container outside the box, usually the one with the narrowest opening, and then grab a handful of rice to dump into the container. Thus the rice ended up everywhere. We have wood floors, so whenever a grain of rice hit the floor it would bounce and roll all over. Thus I had to sweep the entire downstairs every time we used it. I don't know why I never take pictures of the messes. I guess because I'm trying to block them out. LOL

Our theme for the next few weeks is Brown Bear, Brown Bear. So to go along with that our letter for this week, and next, is B and our color was brown.

She made a B is for Bear page for her ABC book. She painted the bear brown and glued him to the cardstock.

We sorted big and little bears.

We did Brown Bear Shadow Matching

She also did a B is for Bear magnet page but I didn't get any pictures of it this time. She didn't choose that much this week. I guess the pom pom magnets are getting old. LOL

We didn't do many specific color or letter activities this week. She's got almost all of her colors down cold. Probably because we read My First Colors by Crayola about a thousand times a day. We've definately gotten our dollar's worth out of that book. LOL It was a Target $1 section find. I can't find it online anywhere or I'd link it. We have several Crayola books from there and she likes them all.

We are also in school shopping mode. We got a great big box from Sonlight, my older dd's curriculum and there were a few surprises for Kayleigh. One that we'll be using next week.

She had her own ideas about how the new books would be distributed. LOL


  1. Great theme this week! She looks so happy to be doing the Bear :)

  2. Love the big and little bear sorting. Did you make it on your own or find it somewhere?

  3. I love the bear theme. We are doing colors, shapes this week and are going to be doing a lot of brown bear activities. I loved this preview.

  4. She looks so happy and confident doing her sorting and matching! How great that she enjoys "school" so much. And I love that sweet yellow hair-bow!

  5. Happy Box Day! [smile]

    Love the picture of her in the box with "By the Great Horn Spoon" (which is a great book [smile]).


  6. Looks like a lot of fun this week! I had a rice box this past week.. and kept thinking to myself.. what was I thinking!


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