Monday, March 15, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday: Green

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

It's time for another MTM hosted by the Muffin Tin Mom. This week's them was green.

This week we had (top) spinach and chicken tortellini with pesto, green grapes, pear,

(bottom) green mustard dip for a soft pretzel, and avocado with some Italian dressing.

We didn't have green muffin tins or cups so we used paper ones with a St. Patrick's Day theme. I let them eat with St. Patrick's toothpicks but Kayleigh refused so I gave her a green fork. Mackenzie liked everything, especially the avocado. Kayleigh ate the pesto, grapes, and pretzel. Which was 2 more things then I'd thought she'd eat. LOL


  1. What a pretty lunch. It looks great.

  2. We did green pasta too. I think it all looks great too.

  3. avocado w/ italian dressing sounds good!

  4. What a CUTE tin ... great lunch for your giggly girls!!!!

  5. The pasta looks wonderful. Your girls have such beautiful curls!

  6. green mustard was a great idea!

  7. Great tins. Love the papers and very creative.

  8. Great lunch, looks like the girls certainly enjoyed it.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.