Friday, February 5, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

It's time for the Weekly Wrap-Up hosted by Kris. It always amazes me how quickly the week goes by.

Our week was crazy and I'm not sure why. Due to the "big snow" a lot of stuff was cancelled yet we still managed to get behind. Something about being "snowed-in" makes you just want to lay around doing nothing I guess. We managed to finish up what we needed to but for a while that didn't seem likely. LOL

Here's our run-down.


We talked about Jesus and water this week. LOL Sounds strange but He sure did have some interesting miracles involving water. Water to wine, walking on water, stopping a storm. Not to mention creating it.


We continued our study about weather. We talked a bit about clouds this week. Mackenzie was supposed to track the clouds in the sky for a day and write down what time of clouds she thought they were. This assignment pained her because we had "icky" clouds because of the unusal snow we had. She was in tears because she wasn't sure what kind of clouds they were.
Bless her heart.


She's starting to work on her 7's now. Specifically counting by this week. She has decided she doesn't like 7s. Apparently 7 isn't her lucky number.

Social Studies:

The American Revolution is really picking up. We learned that we annouced our independence on July 2 and declared it on July 4. We learned that Thomas Jefferson wrote it based on ideas that people held around the world because he really wanted everyone to understand that this decision wasn't one made lightly. We learned that this wonderful document has motivated and encouraged countries around the world, past and present. We looked back on the pictures we have when we went to see the Declaration of Independence at our local library. We're planning to take a trip to D.C. over spring break (because we want to go with some P.S. cousins) and we're excited to see the copy with the signatures.

Mackenzie has started reading Meet George Washington and is hoping that we'll be able to hit Mount Vernon when we head up to D.C. She was excited to learn that it isn't too far from where we live. I haven't been there since 8th grade, so I'm excited too.

We finished Johnny Tremaine. Of course it was awesome. And sad, as great books often are.

Language Arts:

Still working on those prepositions. And Mackenzie memorized A Time to Talk by Robert Frost.

And yesterday we celebrated a very special day.


  1. That's wonderful to be able to plan a trip like that! What a blessing! You're doing a super job! :) ~Maria

  2. Your history and your DC plans mirror ours. LOL Except Lauren is only reading the regular readers, not the advanced, so she already read George and is reading The Cabin Faced West right now....and not liking it a whole lot. We are excited to see the Declaration & Mt. Vernon this summer too!! I can't BELIEVE how much new information I'm learning about our country's founding....things I didn't learn in 13 years of public education.

  3. Johnny Tremaine was the topic of discussion last night among my teenagers. I don't know what reminded them all of it- but they were telling their little sister about it and how she would love it when she got to read it.

  4. We are just starting to read Meet George Washington as well; and same here, my girls are thrilled to know we live so close by his home.

    I didn't realize you were "local".


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.