Saturday, October 31, 2009

Chasing Picture Perfection: Worms-Eye View

It's time for another photo lesson/contest from Chasing Picture Perfection.

Our assignment was to take a picture from a worm's-eye view. Meaning get low and shoot up. This would have been easier if we hadn't had so many rainy days lately. Wet ground does not make getting low much fun. LOL

But here are my efforts from our muddy trip to the corn maze. It was no easy task. Not only was the ground muddy, my toddler is apparently deathly afraid of corn mazes. It was all I could to get her off me to take any photos. LOL

This last one is of the Tokyo Tower. I didn't even have to lay on the ground. Just walk underneath it. Did you know the Tokyo Tower is actually 15 feet taller then the Eiffel Tower? Now you do! LOL

1 comment:

We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.