Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Fresh From the Memory Card (flash back)

Uploaded some pictures that have been on my camera for a while.  So here they are...

Here she is working on her My Father's Dragon book last month.

Our bean experiment.

We managed to get the beans to sprout (and grow leaves) quite nicely.  We planted 3 of them for the next part of the experiment and killed them all.  I guess that second part didn't work out so well. LOL

As I look as these photos, and past photos, I'm beginning to wonder if we ever get out of our pajamas for school.  Rarely it seems. LOL

Today, however, we were showered and dressed before school.  The air conditioner guys were coming over early.   


  1. is that a furry creature in your picture?!?! you caved to a dog??? please tell me that is visiting only!

  2. Bite your tongue woman!!! I will not cave.

    We were dog sitting. For a month. That cured Kevin of his dog wishes for the moment. And he didn't even do anything with the dog but complain. LOL

    Mai Mai was weird. She wanted to sit in your lap and stare at you. All the time. And she wouldn't jump in your lap, she'd wait for you to pick her up.

    (But if I ever got another dog it would be one of these http://www.puppyfind.com/breed/?breed_id=80&sid=4108863e793679f447f54b1f33f452e7&back=%2Fbreed_match%2F%3Fbsize%3Dxs%26upkeep%3D0%26purpose%3Dpet%26page%3D3 because they look so funny with big ears and small heads. I'd name it Gizmo. After the cute guy in the movie Gremlins.)


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