Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Review: Max on Life

Max On Life: Answers and Insights to Your Most Important Questions

I was very excited when I saw that Max Lucado's new book was up for review.  Max Lucado has always been a family favorite.

In Max on Life,  Max answers hundreds of questions on a variety of topics.  Questions from his readers.
He covers spiritual concerns like prayer, faith, suffering as well as things like finances, relationships, and parenting.  In typical Max Lucado style, his answers are clear, concise, and easy to read.

There were questions that I've always wondered about and questions I'd never thought of.  (And maybe I should have.)

My favorite part of the book was the topical index.  If you're looking for an answer, it will be easy to find it.  This makes the book not only a great read but a great reference tool.  I've already found myself referring back to it.  There's also a scriptural index as well.

The only thing I found lacking was that the answers were very basic.  Sometimes I wanted a more in-depth answer.  However,  the shorter answers did make for an easier read.  Especially for a stay-at-homeschooling-mom like me, who almost never has time to herself.  It was easy for me to read a question or two and then come back and read more when I had time.  The basic answers did give me a jumping off point so I can research a question further.

I review for BookSneeze®

I receivied a copy of this book from Tommy Nelson Publishers for review.  All opinions are honest and my own.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tot School~Lite

Kayleigh is 39 months


We had a very light week of Tot School this week.  There was no new letter of the week.  Mainly we played catch-up on our ABC book and did some things that I had planned for earlier weeks but never gotten around too.   Partially because I was feeling lazy and partially because we had a lot going on around the house, not to mention recitals of all kinds.

The A/C needed repairs.  We had our grass “killed”, an irrigation system installed (we’re expecting sod this week LOL), and we enlarged our back yard so the kids have more play space.  We live in an end-unit town home with a dinky backyard and a huge and useless side yard.  Fixed that. LOL

So I guess we’ll call this week a week of eclectic skill building. LOL

She decided that she wanted to use the hole puncher like mommy.  Clearly we need to work on that some more. LOL


She colored a lot of the printables from ABC Mouse.   We are really loving this program.  I’m going to dedicate a whole post to this program soon.


This is actually a picture of my oldest doing math but I cracked up when I noticed Kayleigh grinning in the background.   I believe she was gloating that she was playing on the computer while sissy had to do school work.  Typical Kayleigh.


Here she is playing on ABC Mouse.  She just loves it.  And boy are her computer skills improving by leaps and bounds.



We went to the Scholastic Book Fair.  My friend actually filled a wagon full of books for her two, just two, kids.  My other friend and are more discriminating so we came in under $50.  I prefer the actual book club flyers over the warehouse sale.  I find more stuff that is to my liking.


Kayleigh did enjoy her new books.  This getting dressed book was a favorite.


I think her favorite active was climbing in one of our Trofast storage bins. LOL  At least until she had to put back all of the stuff that she dumped out.


She did some princess sorting from the Princess Pack over at 1+1+1=1. 


Another printable from ABC Mouse.  This was a first time doing a color by number so I had her help me find the right section and then I’d outline it for her to color.  She started off so strong.


Then she went all Kayleigh on me. LOL  So close, yet so far. 


Another printable from the site.  She was very into coloring that day.


We played catch-up on our ABC book.  We did M is for Mickey and Minnie, N is for Numbers, and P is for Princess.  They all involved stickers that I had. LOL  Nice and easy.  We were supposed do to O is for Octopus but forgot it.  It was a little more involved than stickers. LOL



She played with her Smart Shapes Peg  Stacker.  Always a favorite.  Especially when a hammer is involved.



Mackenzie loves these things too.  This particular set is rather small so I ordered peg stacker set so they’ll be more to share.   We can’t wait for them to get her tomorrow.


She did a lot of cutting.  I finally broke out her Kumon Let’s Cut Paper book and she was a cutting maniac.


In the area of practical life, she’s been witness to a lot of heavy machinery as we redo our yard.


And the highlight of her week was when Mackenzie’s music teacher asked Kayleigh to participate in the last class.  Kayleigh was so proud and excited.  She got to play the boom whackers.  Lucky girl!!


Check out what the other tots  are up to by clicking the tot school button at the top of the page.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One with an Awesome Concert for You

My weekly wrap-ups are becoming by-weekly. LOL  Ooops!!!

We're in the homestretch of our school year.  I'm happy to be done but sad at the thought of my first baby going into 5th grade.  Wahhhh!!!

I guess I'll give you the subject-by-subject run down this time. LOL


We're still reading it.  =o)  We're reading a bit in Ecclesiastes now.  I have no idea if I spelled that right.  Mackenzie's also doing a 6 week Bible study through our church.  So far, she's already known every verse that they've asked her to memorize. LOL

Language Arts:

Spelling finished (Spelling Power)
Grammar finished (First Language Lessons)
Writing finished (Writing With Ease)


She just finished her first lesson on fractions. Good thing because they're on her CAT test.  LOL  Math-U-See has a different scope and sequence then most math programs so they're usually something she hasn't learned yet on the test.  But she's never scored less than the 98th percentile so I'm not too worried.  Math-U-See Delta focuses mainly on division with a little of this and that mixed in.  Her new lesson is on Roman numerals.

Social Studies:

She finished her Star Spangled State Book geography study.  She took her final exam today and got 100%.

In history we've been covering the Civil Rights movement and the Kennady and Johnson presidencies.


She's been reading The Seventeenth Swap and In Search of the Source.  She's read ahead in both books, so I guess she likes them.  LOL


Science is going to take the longest for us to finish since we had to hold off our insect study due to the crazy weather this year.  We only have 3 lessons left but we usually take two weeks per lesson.  But I guess I don't have to do them over two weeks, do I? LOL

This lesson was on social insects: ants, wasps, termites.  Now that Mackenzie knows how honey is made she no longer wants to eat it. LOL

Here she is working on her mini-books for her notebook.


She had her very first piano recital this week.  I'll let her playing speak for itself.  She's very sad that piano is finished for the summer.  In the fall she'll start private lessons.

Pop over to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschooler's to see the rest of the wrap-ups.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tot School: P is for Princess

Kayleigh is 39 months old
This week we were on the letter P so we had to do a princess theme for my littlest princess.  She loved “Princess School.”
Here are our activities in no particular order.
I made her a princess “spelling” game with her favorite Disney Princesses.  She always loves these letter matching games.
She practiced her fine motor skills by stringing jewels (pony beads) and “puffs” onto pink pipe cleaners.
Kayleigh used her do-a-dot markers to stamp a capital P.  And, for the first time ever, she just stamped the circles. LOLThis came from Confessions of a Homeschooler.
This super-cute “Color the Castle by Shape” activity came from 1+1+1=1’s Princess Pack.  We used our do-a-dot markers again.  And Kayleigh actually followed directions.  Two for two, woot!!
She loves playing with her Melissa & Doug latches board.  We pretended that she was locking up her “Palace.”
She played Pretty, Pretty Princess for the first time.  Mommy won.  Kayleigh came in second.  She might have been able to win if she hadn’t decided to play topless.  She didn’t believe me when I told her that was unacceptable for a princess. LOL  Or anyone really.
I made this Big P, Little p sort for her.  We usually use the one from COAH but we wanted a more “ princessey” version.
She made a foam princess crown which she decorated with foam stickers.  She also decorated herself.
Next we had fun with the Princess Graphing Game from the 1+1+1=1 Princess Pack.  Roll the dice, mark off your roll (we used stickers), and count.
We sorted Princess wands according to size.  She’s pretty proficient at these activities but she still likes them.  This one came from Little Piles Everywhere
She painted in her Tangled Color Wonder book purchased just for Princess school.  She LOVES that movie.
We counted presents for the Princess’s Birthday.  This was also from Little Piles Everywhere
She was NOT HAPPY when the princess didn’t get any presents.  She declared that she doesn’t like zero. LOL
She decided since the princess missed out on some presents that she should get cookies and drug out her cookie shape sorter.  LOL
We did some Princess Patterning.  I made this with some clipart designed to look the characters in Tangled.  Kayleigh was thrilled and got out her Tangled people to help with the patterns.
She used a princess want to point out the patterns.
She decided to draw a princess in her princess notebook.  I love it when she draws now.  Soooo cute!!!
She matched colored disks to the pages of the Princess Color book from the 1+1+1=1 Princess Pack. 
She really loves stamping with our Melissa & Doug letter stamps so I made this P is for Palace page.  I call out big or little p and she picks the correct stamp.  The idea is from 1+1+1=1. 
We did the “What is Different?” activity from the 1+1+1=1 Princess Pack.  Kayleigh’s never done anything like this before so I really had to walk her through it.  With some practice, she’ll get the hang of it.
Here is Mackenzie explaining to Kayleigh just how lucky she is that she does Tot School.  “When you’re older, you’ll get a big list like this of work you have to do.”   LOL  Wahhh for you Mackenzie.
Kayleigh ignored her and continued making “brownies” with our Math-U-See blocks.   LOL  That was one of Mackenzie’s favorite things to do with them when she was younger.  Great minds think alike, I guess.
I got her a subscription to an online program called ABC Mouse.  I was interested in it because it has “lessons” on how to use the mouse.  Mackenzie was highly proficient with the computer at this age but Kayleigh doesn’t often get to use the computer, so I decided to try this.  Especially since the nifty Fisher-Price toddler computer that she got for Christmas doesn’t work with our new iMac.   Poor second born baby doesn’t even get computer time. LOL
So far her favorite activity are the online stories.  She watched this one 5 times.
Mackenzie’s praying mantis nymphs emerged from their egg case and Kayleigh was fascinated.  Not very princessey but quite interesting.
There were tons of them.  Most are now living in our veggie garden getting rid of unwanted pests.  A couple we are trying to raise to adults so we can observe them.
Kayleigh also spent A LOT of time playing with her many Little People Princess sets.  We have quite a few.  It’s almost embarassing to say we own that many, except that she plays with them all the time.  I didn’t take any pictures but I’ll link you below.
Our very favorite princess book was Gigi: God’s Little Princess.  We also own the movie. LOL  She got those for Christmas.

Be sure to click the tot school button at the top of the page to see what the other tot’s are up too.

My Printables: