Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tot School

Kayleigh is 35 months old
Tot School

Kayleigh still hasn't been very interested in Tot Schooling but we did a little bit.  Our theme was snowmen.

She practiced counting by placing "snowflakes" on the numbered snowmen cards.  This was from Making Learning Fun.

She loves looking at A Child's Book of Art from Sonlight's Pre-K Core.

I found the girls hiding in Kayleigh's room reading.  Melts a mommy's heart.

We read 5 Little Snowman, a printable from Itsy Bitsy Learning.

This shape snowman match is also from Itsy Bitsy Learners.

Then we made a snowman craft.   She glued on the body pieces.

Drew a "face."

And painted some snowflakes using mini marshmallows.

Afterward, she ate some marshmallows while working on a snowman magnet page from Making Learning Fun.

She also had her end of the semester show at the Little Gym.

We ended the week with a trip to the aquarium.

"I NEVA EVA touch a snake.  They gwoss and disgussin!!"

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One With the Snake

Hello cyber friends!  No surprise that I'm late with our wrap-up.  I have no time. LOL  At least not for another 15 years when the youngest graduates.

Here's our highlights:

Language Arts:  

We're taking it easy with our normal work and Mackenzie is learning how to write a research paper.  Although her finished product will really just be a report and not a huge paper.  This week she learned how to take notes on note cards.  The only time in life I don't want her to use a complete sentence.  Next week she'll start compiling her research.   I'm sure she'll love that.


We started studying pterosaurs.  Mackenzie's been looking forward to this.  I'm not sure why as she's never really been interested in dinosaurs.  Of course, now we know that pterosaurs ARE NOT dinosaurs. LOL

Social Studies: 

We finished studying the Spanish American War.  We were a little disappointed to learn that McKinley was a bit of the wimp by caving to public opinion and declaring war even though his demands were agreed to by the Spanish.  And could Teddy R.  be more war crazy?

Now we're on to WW1 and we may or may not make a lapbook on it.  We shall see. LOL

Reader/Read Aloud

We're still reading Little Britches and we're still loving it.  Mackenzie has started reading The Wright Brothers.  I'd like to take her to Kitty Hawk, as we're only a couple of hours away, when she finishes but we're approaching birthday madness.  Both girls bdays are fast approaching.  So if we go, it's going to have to wait.


Piano is still going well.  She's learning the G position and is very excited.

Basketball and cheer are going full force.  We are busy, busy, busy!!

On Thursday, we went to the Virginia Aquarium with some friends.  Not my favorite museum, for various reasons, but Groupon had a great deal for membership so we've been going.

Here's the higlights in pictures.


I had to pay her $5 bucks to get her to touch the snake.  The things I'll do for a photo. LOL

 Be sure to check out the other wrap ups over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.